November 10, 2014


Education in Meteorology will be featured in “Champions of Industry” with Jimmy Johnson

Public Television stations around the United States will soon air an episode of “Champions of Industry” that explores the topic of education in meteorology. Former University of Miami and Dallas Cowboys head coach, Jimmy Johnson, hosts the program in an effort to educate the public about topics of considerable importance.

In the upcoming episode, the program will explore the necessary requirements to become a meteorologist, commonly called a weatherman. Meteorologists examine weather patterns and make use of high tech models to make weather predictions. Those who’d like to work in the industry will have to obtain at least a bachelor’s degree in either meteorology or atmospheric science. Sometimes, a bachelor’s degree in a closely related field will also be acceptable. The pursuit of such a degree will require the successful completion of classes in a variety of disciplines including environmental science, earth science, math, atmospheric sciences, physics and chemistry. Host Jimmy Johnson will introduce the segment that takes a look at the coursework, training procedures and other requirements beyond a bachelor’s degree for those who pursue work in the field of meteorology. He’ll also examine the environments in which graduates work once they’ve completed their coursework.

The Champions of Industry segments have won awards thanks to their unique insights into important issues that affect the public. The series’ content is created with the help of industry leaders from all over the world. It is important to note that Champions of Industry has no relationship with PBS. If you’d like to know more about the series, head on over to